Sunday 3 June 2012

I am titanium

Hehe so that's Meiyi. Kinda lazy to talk about my day too!!! :x 
Was so-so, went to funeral and dad pissed me off in the car then when I reached I sat around and helped to take care of my 2 little cuzzies. They veli cute h3h3. :) Jadon Isaac Lim & Sophia Janine Lim!!! Qtpies of the day. Played at the playground with them then perspire like crazy HAHA. And when they had to go home Sophia cried boohoo. Seeing her again on Tues. :-)

On the phone with an idiot by the name of Junwei, and he's being very annoying he keeps saying I suck and everything. Then he keeps quiet and says I want to kill the conversation. Please lor I'm so active in the conversation you know I read so much nice stuff for him from tumblr then he tell me he's going to fall asleep!!! WTH RIGHT HE IS AN IDIOT. And he expects me to post something nice about him so....

"SOMETHING NICE ABOUT JEROME." <-- There, I posted something nice about you already hehehe

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