Monday 4 June 2012

More of Jesus less of me

Just so the ones around you don't get hurt.

Hello! Today was kinda a busy day for me. Went to school, reached around 1-ish and began discussion for literature seminar. Decided on 'love'. Parental love Marital love Brotherly love. Then train-ed to Nicol Highway for wfl #2!!! Sat with sooxien and learnt a lot, did the personality test again. I'm very non-dominant and a very people's person. And I don't have 'identity crisis' as Gideon mentioned. HAHA. After that rushed to Subway alone to grab a cold cut trio. Met Wenzhen, Xinhui, Wendy and Verene came along too, on the way to mrt station.

Took the train home with the girls and rush-ate my burger. Meep, kinda my fastest record heh. Uh then got really tired + restless so i dragged my feet home, showered changed and wanted to nua at home but Jielin called and asked me to go cause Jiaying wasn't going and she was alone so. I rushed down again and we went to mama shop nearby. Got myself a pink dolphin. ^^ Went to tuition....

Concentration level during tuition: 3/10 lor serious. Haha very very tired. So I kinda just crapped through with Jielin the whole time. Did try to attempt some questions but kinda lazy to think too so.. I yeah. Kinda wasted my time. So after tuition walked home and laughed at some half-naked guys at the bball court with Jielin hahahah they looked funny. Like 15 half naked boys with the same coloured pants. From afar they look like Smurfs, according to her HAHA stupid gurl.

Alrite tata! :))

.BOON A MA I MVN AHAH ....seog ti ereht dnA .sgnileef tsenoh ym htiw uoy ot pu denepo gnikaerf I naem I ."gniht s'yadretsey" eunitnoc ot detnaw I esruoc fO .em ot gniklat revo xobx esoohc uoy taht pleh t'nseod tI .sselpleh erom /reddas uoy gnikam si gniyas/gniod m'I tahw woh ekil t'nod I .uoy ot gnihtyreve llips annog m'I uoy gnillet tergeR .gnidnatsrednu gnieb ton tergeR .thgin taht gniyrc tergeR .knil ym uoy gnillet terger I


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