Thursday 7 June 2012

What hurts the most

"Rejoice and be glad in everyday that God gives."

Today was a so-so day. Times when I laughed till my stomach ached, and times when I'm on the verge of crying. Haha so i woke up at 7:15 today and cabbed to school with Calissa for lifegroup. We thought we were late and didn't wanna make Jojo run for us again, but when we reached only Frederick and Jo were there. SO WE KINDA CABBED FOR NOTHING. But nevermind, take it as comfort from God's creation - taxi. Hehe.

So yep, had lifegroup. Lifegroup was refreshing today, gave me a clearer picture of what i want to achieve from Northeast camp. Really want to learn how to step out of my comfort zone and be a nicer person, more genuine person etc. Then God very cute, He tested me today, right after my dinner. HAHA. Ohya! Led games today and it was funny! My shepherd is damn cartoon, really really. HAHA.

Went to northpoint's pastamania to celebrate Vivien's birthday! Therefore... made today my sabbath day. Nom nom nom nom f o o d. Ah then lepak around for like 45 minutes I don't even know how. AND MEEP, I WANT A HUMAN-SIZED SOFT TOY!!!!! :-( Have been saying that for like months and months. Get reminded everytime I step into Kiddy Palace.

Bus-ed to Bugis and on the long bus ride talked to Meiyi. I wouldn't count it as a h2h but it was definitely a big catch-up on e/o's lives. Haven't had deep talks to her for a loooooong time. Felt so real when I finally 'released' whatever I felt. I could feel her too, at some points of her sharing. Like yeah, I can really picture myself and feel what she feels that kinda thing. I really enjoyed the bus ride talking to her. In all honesty. :-)

Ah then had steamboat and I kept laughing at Gavin eat again haha it was funny. And fun, good fellowship I'd say. HE LOOKS LIKE A PRETTY BOY NOW HAHA. But the way he eat never change, POSITIVE. HAHA.

Okay Im getting lazy byebye

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