Wednesday 25 July 2012

Thank God

I've been a very naughty girl but God still blessed me with a lot of things and remained faithful.

1. I haven't been for much dance practices that go through the routine for Party Rock Anthem but I managed to catch up from the loose hours of rehearsals. With helpful dance mates of course, thank God. :)

2. Chemistry is a subject I struggle in and the test was postponed from Monday to 7 days later- the next Monday. Thank God :)

3. Amath was hard and I felt discouraged because I studied for it but God blessed me with manageable math questions, and gave me a lot of determination + strength to study the day before :) Thank God :)

4. Mommy bought the Tako rice thingy I've always loved for dinner today.

I feel sososososo blessed I can't thank Him enough hehe.

"The shortest shortcut to happiness is to count your blessings one by one."

God is always faithful xx

Love you! Toodles

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