Monday 14 November 2011

Reliving the memories

Struggling for my mum to accept that God is alive in my life is harder than anything else. It hurts to hear her 'make fun' of his existence to me sometimes. What really made me cry was "God? Ha, you and your God again." I respect her decision if she doesn't believe in this, but hey, she wouldn't like it if I insulted her God right.. Sigh. Quarreling with my mum due to this topic drowns me in a feeling of helplessness. It's filled with so much self-control that it eventually adds up to hurting me. I have to control myself from exploding and talk back/shout back at her to show her I'm really changing because of God, but she just takes it for granted and drags on and on, from topic to topic. Frustrating, ugh.................... BUT I trust that one day she'll see that this God in my life that she's insulted before, is real. I hope she does. GOD WILL HEAR MY PRAYERS. :D

Okay back to talk about how my day went bla bla bla. So yes I met Calissa in the afternoon, like 12plus? Haha she came over to my place and we slacked around for +/- an hour before we met Meiyi cause since she didn't text us, we knew she's still asleep. Oh as usual we snuggled on my bed with the air con on and used the iPad and giggled and laughed and played and all. We then spam-called Meiyi and when we finally met her, she was 1h late, no surprise hahaha.

Ya-da-ya-da then we went to swim at Meiyi's rented condo!!! Makes me miss synchronized swimming practices. (and it reminds me of how close i was to getting into national team). I admit I was kinda upset but well I didn't wanna show it, moreover it was supposed to be a day full of fun! ^_^ Oh wait then we taught Calissa how to swim. Like always, many stupid things happened like Meiyi thinking she lost my nose-clip (a sport material for synchro) and we all dived to find and later realised it was hanging at the swimsuit under the armpit LOL. Ah well  then it poured!!! !@#$%^&

Went to toilet > Saw cockroach > Ran out > Go sauna > Bathed > Walked under rain > Have early dinner > Meiyi's house where Calissa tried to rape me T_T > Home > Blogging.

I think you realised I got lazy hehehe kthxbai somebody is waiting for this post to be up to read my blog HAHAHA

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