Friday 11 May 2012

God's promise

This made me smile. :)

So hey woke up around 1030 and got a shock cos i needed to reach school by 1115 for that PA lunch thingy. And mommy forgot to wake me up, and i slept really late the night before so i was a zombie when i woke up. Panicked and yeah texted wenqi and stuff, cause was supposed to meet her. But ah well, she ended up reaching later than me! That girl ah haha!!

When I got to school, had 'ceremony' before lunch started, swear the smell made me very hungry but hehe, dance has the weirdest yet most fun seniors to crack us up. And speaking of this, it really makes me miss the sec 4s when they're gone, even though the times spent together weren't much. Nevertheless, I'm positive God has greater plans for them out there. :) Oh dancers are BEST at zi-high-ing. Seriously hahaha a whole crazy bunch of us can bring the climax up. I mean not for everyone but at least amongst ourselves. :')

Proud to say that the school didn't budget on us this time round prolly cause there was a sponsor too, and yeah the food was...... yummy. *licks lips and gets hungry* HAHAHA LOLWHAT. I took a first serving and... shyly went back for another cause the food was good! Like alot better than the cheeeeeaaaappp stuff they used to cater us. And yeah I surely had fun. :)

And there was dance after that, learnt the indian bollywood dance thingy. Omg need to be a little more self-conscious (in a good way) cause the costume's gonna show belly!!! Aaaahhhhhh. Miss Tang got the aircon fixed, W O W FANTASTIC BABYYYYY. Now we don't have to dance in sauna! And yeah the bollywood dance thing didn't interest me at first cause I couldn't get it and in fact it made me really frustrated!!!! :@ But in the end it was fine. Quite fun too actually, just that I haven't danced in such a long time now my muscles on the right arm are s o r e. Heh and the instructor's face is kinda flawless. Don't know if it's just her make up or what but it looked like some really awesome complexion. :p AND SHE HAS SMALL FEET. 

Got home feeling super drained omg I'm ageing!! HAHAHA here ache there ache everywhere ache ache. And as usual got on the com and I watched BIG MOMMAS. Omg damn funny the show! And the girls inside quite pretty. Chose a comedy cause I was.. yeah kinda down. Just a little. Glad that show cheered me up heh. THANK GOD FOR BIG MOMMAS. ;)

A'ight, today's a short, sweet, simple day. Toodles! x

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