Thursday 10 May 2012


^ DAMN CUTE RIGHT. Hahaha i have that armor ok, you jelly?? Paid with faith, redeemed with trust, receipt of thanksgiving. :)

Woke up and went to Wenqi's to prepare food for lifegroup! HAHA I am a sembawang noob hehe :x And a kitchen noob too (i admit ok)!!! And how can Jojo put 2 kitchen noobs to prepare food together?! Nevertheless, it was a fun experience making sandwiches with qi. :) Heh quite successful too! Most memorable part: nom-ing on leftover ham. Yummmmz. 

Lifegroup's worship session today was really refreshing. :) Short but sweet, straight to the point. T^2!!! ;)
Hehe okay short post today alright!

Oh wait

this looks so so so so so much like a conversation i'd have with jerald and he thought it really was and i whatsapped him and he tried to recall when it happened hahhahahah noob okay bye!!!!!!!!!!

and so whatever happened to the lifegroup not being clique-ish?? dont know.

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