Monday, 28 May 2012

Taman love

Photos aren't really in order but nevertheless, enjoy! :)

So here's one thing I learnt from Taman and the most major thing. 
Contentment - seeing how the orang asli (original people)'s way of living there, my heart really goes out to them and it really hit me, how unappreciative I am of the living conditions God has given me. For example, I don't even know how to cook. Yep sure it may seem funny and like a joke that I just forget by laughing it off with my mates but hey. Think about it. I have an abundance of food around me or a few mrt stations away. I never have to worry about having nothing to eat, actually. It's just the laziness. But over there they have to hunt for their own food and they just eat whatever they find. Their meals are NOT guaranteed. Where I live, I can get fire just by turning on the stove and they have to make and mould their own equipments in order to start a simple fire. How discontented can I be of the environment I'm living in, then? Oh and education, do I really have to say anything about education.. Haha I will try to stop complaining about exams.

And here's one reason why I really love my class.
The simple-mindedness: Seeing all the drama other classes have amongst themselves, I don't laugh at the other classes or what but I feel grateful for my class people. I mean yeah we're all the low-profile kinds except for one or two and we're not any beauty pageants that thousands of people are chasing but we're just.. unique in our own ways. I like how all of us are simple-minded and we don't bear grudges and there's hardly any gossips of judgements. Yep our class used to hate Cheryl. Yep there used to be jokes spreading everywhere to disturb her but c'mon I'm sure that 5 months of sitting in a room studying together with her helped us to accept her for who she is and being in THIS era, it isn't easy, eh? So yep, I like how my class is BONDED as a WHOLE and not IN OUR OWN CLIQUES. And we leave NOBODY out. :) Thank God for 3Endurance'12.

So yep! I didn't elaborate on what I do during Taman because I think that's dumb. I mean who needs to remember what happened and stuff and it's kinda boring isn't it? I think jotting down what I've learnt and things like that are more meaningful and less time-consuming. :)

Blog again soon!

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