Thursday 28 June 2012

Back from hiatus

People said I haven't been updating and here I am. Back. :-)

Not sure why I haven't been updating either but.. yeah. Just nothing much happened during the June holidays. Simple and sweet. No messed up situations, no complications. Nevertheless I won't leave out the fact that OGA was great.

School feels fresh and new all over again. Hope my motivation to study won't die down. Coffee Y U B NO GOOD 4 HEALTH. I'd have it everyday if it wasn't unhealthy :( Really keeps me awake.

Can't wait for NEA2 to double up!!!!! On a mission ;)

Guess all the inferiority and stress do get to me once in a while but still pretty manageable! Things are going quite fine, smooth-sailing. :)

Light-hearted post yeah! Below are a few pictures since school started. Me doing fine, lit seminar and of course studying.

So happy cause I finally kinda understand my math teacher LOL. Powz finallyz makez sensez!!! Thank God and I hope this will be consistent/even better.

So excited for everything now! Goodbye x

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