Friday 29 June 2012

Whistle baby

Hihi! Quick post before I head out for dancey dance dance. :) Yesterday was another average day at school. Some girlies and I made names for ourselves and there's Doro being Bong-er, Charis being xiaohua, mingen being wugui, Sara being momo, vernice being meili and me being xuan-er. ;)

I have the cutest classmates everrrr. Starting to love 3E more than ever.

Love how the only times we put each other in hard spots is when we wanna do a certain group work with EVERYONE. If not we're like all together.

I love how simple minded they all are and being around them makes me stress-free. Blessed to be in 3E'12.

I love how every chapel the entire row of girls would sing and some voiced come from behind us too. I love how we troll teachers together, I love how we hardly gossip because we constantly remind each other to make our lives, dialogues, GOD-CENTRED.

With them, I feel so accepted and belonged. Thanks girlies <3

That's about all, goodbye! Loveeee

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