Saturday 2 June 2012


June. Time flies. Half a year just zoomed past.

It feels like I did nothing productive. Except serving God and I think that's not enough, because it isn't to my best. I mean there are things that I wish I'd done for God, anyway, still.

Remember how the pastor during Supernatural said that misfortunes and obstacles are also blessings. I never really understood why. But now I do. My great grandma just passed away this morning. Even though we don't talk so much I thank God for her. For struggling to stay healthy and strong, so that I have a chance to see her and talk to her and remember her face, forever. I'm gonna attend her funeral tomorrow, it's my first funeral.

I'm a little scared, a little insecure, a little nervous. But at the same time I'm thinking it's a wake-up call from God to appreciate my grandparents. All four of them are healthy and alive, yet there are just so few times when I actually get close to them to know them and such. So little times we talk and interact. My friends, they are jealous that I actually get to speak to my grandparents and they've never seen theirs. I love my grandparents. :'(

Finished all 23 episodes of Hi My Sweetheart and it kinda made me cry like tap water leaking like that haha. 


I'm getting damn emotional lol, bye. :)

God, I thank You for a complete family. 
I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will watch over my great granny, wherever she is. I don't know what she believed in but I believe You, I believe she's a good person that's why You let her live to such a ripe old age before she meets You. :) Hehe God you must take care of her for me ah. I serve You with all I am, all I have!!! AMEN

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