Wednesday 4 July 2012

Made to worship, made to praise

"He'll hold you still even when the waves around you begin to build. You're in His hand even though sometimes it's hard to stand. Give Him your heart, and He'll hold you still."

Lines from a song that really gave me comfort, to know that whatever I do, however hard I struggle, I'll never fall off from His hand. I'll not crumble if God is here. I guess one HUGE challenge I have for myself is to live a God-centred life. Think God-centred thoughts, do God-centred things. And after all, I'm GROWING. Growing takes time, give me time will you?

And once again I'm sorry I don't grow as much or fast as your three other sheeps. Not as faithful, not as available, not as mature. But I promise I'm not letting of this God you grew me to love. And that's all of me I hope that's enough.

Have been trying my best to not ostracize people. And not leave anyone out, try to be friends with everyone. Shine God's light in school through thinking about others' welfare. Making then feel accepted. Cause I guess that's one thing I'd like to have, in this judgmental society.

"I wanna look like love, be more than just enough. I wanna love, like Jesus."
And I guess that's all of me, it may be small, but I hope you remember im always here.

One night I just break down and cry, and cry and cry and cry it all out. Because Calissa, deep down I know our friendship will never be the same. Miss the old us. But good job you're growing. I hope you don't leave me behind, while I'm struggling to be on your pace.

Because sometimes I just wanna feel like best friends with you over again. For a millisecond, even of its one-sided. I forgot how it feels like. I feel like I'm suffocating from this voice inside my head telling me I'm not good enough, telling me to change.

But above all, I'm God's girl. I live up to His expectations. Thats enough. Something I BADLY NEED to keep on mind.

Love you Jesus, love you.

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