Wednesday 11 July 2012

So dear

Hello! Have been so sad on my blog right omg HAHAAHA ok this is going to be a happy post ok promiz.

Well, though God threw me a lot of shit to handle recently, commitments after commitments, misunderstandings after misunderstandings, tiffs after tiffs, at the end of the day, God doesn't shortchange me. He has blessed me with really, really , rrreeeeaaaallllyyyyy fabutasticful girlfriends from 3E'12.

For example this Larissa. Or La er si.
Here's a few facts about this woman:
She laughs over ANYTHING.
She overreacts!!!!!
She says "oooiiiiii" with me with an increasing volume while climbing the stairs
She likes to drink coffee to stay alert in class
She loves lit like me ^^
She sits beside me, like 20 plus cm away???
(you should be feeling sorry for me by now)
She trips and falls.
Lastly she loves me.

I like spending time with this girl even though she makes me embarrass myself because:
I make her embarrass herself too
When no one laughs with me she does
When I get all angsty she doesn't flare up at me
She makes a joke out of everything and that makes me laugh = happy
We have a lot of similar likings (I think)
She herself is a joke :p
I'm half the time owning her :D
She's a realllll good buddy, especially in class, pow's class. ;)

I like to talk to this girl because:
She gives HUMANLY replies, not those as cold as ice ones
She always asks what happened out of concern
She isn't afraid to open up to me (hehe shy)
She doesn't judge. ;)

Hi Larissa even though you're weird and crazy and all, I'm not that normal too and being around you makes me feel more normal since there's someone as abnormal as me.

Nevertheless I love the rest of the Happy Family too!!! ^_^ xoxoxo

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