Friday 20 January 2012


I'd say school's fine, I like school, I like studying, and I really don't mind listening in class/jotting down many notes. But I really don't like being stuck at questions, or rather, AMath questions. I don't like the what-am-I-supposed-to-do-next feeling. And I can only sit at my blue shaky chair staring at the equation and look around and think whether I'm the only one struggling. I'm super worried I can't cope. Whenever I get math homework, I FEEL STRESSED. Whenever it's MATH lesson, my heart to study just dies. It's like how a flower quickly withers. Yes it's that bad and it's only the 3rd week of school. What's wrong with me? WHY AM I SO NOOB SIGH.

Anyway, I'm surrendering it all to God and I'm obviously gonna get a tutor = more homework = more stress. I hope I can work well under stress.... HAHA JY EVERYONE.

Today was quite a lousy day for me. But amazingly after devo I felt so much better. Haha my Daddy works wonders, eh? :-) Had a great laugh with Wenqi over........ my phobia of birds. HEHE SO FUNNY. No not funny whoever laughs now shall PERISH FOREVER. No I'm kidding!

Hehe anyway I am sick and I'm going to cough my lungs out soon....... Everybody's scolding me and wenqi won't let me eat chicken. Tell me how to survive as a person who hates vegetable so much that she'd change a fork when the fork has a piece of veg that can't be taken away. Y E S, s o m u c h. :'( Ahhhh I need to recover soon I need my cny goodies... Teehee *licks lips*

Omg I missed out talking about the cny performance! Ah, to me it was great, the dancers are so cute. :3 Even though it isn't anything too professional nor is it like some big hoo-ha, I am still really happy cause I know I've given my best, and we've all given ours. WHO CARES IF WE'RE A LITTLE NOT SO SYNCHRONIZED, hello we dance to express not impress. ;) -stolen from B's twitter hehe-


Hi J. (dad) if you ever read this I wanna tell you i rly appreciate u ok? heh x

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