Saturday 11 February 2012

Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance


Hehe hi guys. ;) I'm here to pen down thought yay! Realised that I can only use com on saturdays now! Even if I use on other days it's either "illegal" or lucky lucky got time to use. (which is pretty rare already).

And anyway APPLE OF MY EYE (ESS) service today!!! It was really good. I enjoyed the day with all ma homiez. And even though the guests I brought didn't really accept Christ in their lives I still Thank God that they came AND I am really glad to know that SH said he wasn't ready instead of no. Stuffs did happen after service and I teared but I'm fine cause afterall God still provided. :-) Yay amen.

Slacked around after service with a few and many many came after that when the sun set and I almost had to go home already. Wanted to leave at 8 but ended up leaving at 745 cause Cal had to. And SH left with us. Epic train ride with the tickles and pokes and inside jokes. EH OMG IT RHYMES. And hm.. I had a really awesome time hehe ^_^

So I'm home now and blogging and texting a few! Aw man Baggio just went offline psh. Agh had quite a number of moodswings today, guess jealousy kinda got into me but it's okay. :-D Strong with a stronger Jesus behind me. U JELLY YET? Ol'ritez bye x2!!!! Tata lovelies xxxxxxxx

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