Tuesday 13 March 2012

Challenge accepted

15 Day Friends Challenge

01. A picture and some facts about the friend that you’ve known the longest

02. A picture (if you have one) and some facts about the friend that you’ve met most recently.

03. Qualities that you admire in your best friend

04. Qualities that you look for in a friend

05. Your favorite quote about friendship

06. The story that you will tell your kids about how you met your best friend

07. Your favorite picture of you and your best friend

08. A picture of your group of friends

09. Dream vacation that you’d like to take with your best friend

10. Favorite movie about friendship

11. A song that reminds you of your best friend

12. Why is your best friend your best friend?

13. Your dream “Friend Date”

14. Your dreams and hopes for you and your best friend

15. A letter to your best friend.


So, day one!

01. A picture and some facts about the friend that you’ve known the longest

I'll list 15 facts about her since we're both turning fifteen this year!
#1. She's kinda camera shy (explains the lack of photos + this photo isn't that nice but aiya she pretty hehe)
#2. She's in CCHY ;)
#3. She rebond her hair before!
#4. She stays super near me!
#5. She hardly gets into quarrels with people.
#6. She has a younger sister.
#7. She loves dogs!!!!
#8. She has a guinea pig.
#9. She laughs at the smallestttt things.
#9. She loves blonde angmor GIRLS.
#10. Her cca is netball :)
#11. She's UNAVAILABLE -wink wink-
#12. She's Justin Bieber's number one fangirl.
#13. She has 1000001 soft toys.
#14. The way she coax her sister is super funny HAHAHA

I've known this girl since I was.. 7/8? Primary one. :-) Hi i love you belli much xx

Be right back to talk about my day! Gonna go for lunch with brothy now. :)

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