Tuesday 13 March 2012

And that's why I smile

So these are the pictures hehehe. :) 

Did our cuteness blind you? Joking! So to sum up whatever I did,
Met Calissa at 1plus > Trained to Somerset > COTTON ON > FOREVER21 where I bought 2 pieces - one shorts one fringed tee that bombed me 50 bux and calissa bought stuff too lah duh > Scape only to realise that Chat was closed gosh biggest disappointment of the day > Found some spot to camwhore and slack > Wenqi joined > Went to get food > Dinner at Seoul Garden where we were very honest kids who decided to go back to S.G which forgot to ask us to settle bill & where i had my most memorable dinner ;) More info on fb kthx > Walk a bit > HOME ;) 

Yep hehe sorry after a long day I'm kinda lazy! And more pictures are up on facebook. :)

Before I end off....... wanna see something cool? Something prettier? Chio-er? Cuter? Keep scrolling.

TA DA !!!!!!!!!!

Hehe that's calissa and lixuan's unwanted side dishes when we had seoul garden the korean food! (it's not the steamboat seoul garden it's the a la carte one hehe) CHIO RIGHT? OK BYEBYE LOVE U ALL BELLI MUCH XOXO

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