Saturday 31 March 2012

Keep your eyes open


Best movie/ book everrrrr. Have been hearing many say that the movie was disappointing and stuff compared to the book but heh, I watched the movie before I read the book so.. :p The movie was impressive to me. Haha!! Would honestly rate it 5/5 mockingjays cause it honestly got my attention the entire 2+ hours. ;) And yah shall not say more to spoil the movie for y'all!

Mini shopping yesterday with mummy and bought my first HG book!!! Heh catching fire and mockingjay weren't in stock so yep popular's gna contact me when it's ready. So excited!!! Was deciding which cover I should take and asked mummy and she made a decision for me and got the non-asian one, I think? Anyway, hehe happygirl. But later we went to get assessment/ guide books x3 though. 1 was amath, another was phy tuition's 1001 mcq, and the last one's chinese model compos. The reality that chinese o's is this year srsly scares the shitttt out of me.. Oh and I got a pair of new slippers!!! I like. And let me think... OH A NEW SCHOOLBAG. 8D Nyehehehe.

Had service today and shenghung brought yves. As usual services always refresh me and God never fails to touch me and calm my laughy heart for a time of worship and learning, at the same time heating up my heart to be excited for His word/ singing His praises. :) Amen, hehe. Had to leave right after service cause I needed to study and my mum wanted me to. So yep, that's about it! School's been fine. :)

Taylor Swift's Eyes Open is (y) *-*

I'll end my post here, bye guys! :)

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