Monday 28 May 2012

I think I see me in that. ^

A balloon, an elephant. I'm the elephant and of course the balloon's what I've been trying to hold on to. It's making me lose my grip and I can't get a hold of myself.

Anyway hi, I'm still feverish and I wanna go for the bbq tomorrow so whoever reads this, pretty pretty pleaseee, keep me in prayer. :-) Nothing much to update, gonna meet Verene at sbw mrt later to take some stuff from her for tomorrow's bbq. I really pray that I'd feel better. :-(

I think that's about all, toodlesss

//edit 1810h

That 3 against 1 feeling is coming back again. When will I ever feel like part of you guys again. 
"It's okay if you fail, I love you anyway" Wow then who's gonna love me..? Ya I mean I know God does and all but in the 'clique' or when we all spend time together (which is kinda rare now lol), I feel so damn friendless. And by friend I mean physical friends.

Idk if I should give it all up and be strong on my own just with God or believe in 'friendship' all over again. 

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