Tuesday 3 July 2012

The same God, I'm counting on

Hi :) Have been stealing lots of instagrammies to post on my blog. Anyway, my day went like a roller coaster. Had a hyped up English period doing editing, then the very boring chemistry came next. It was so boring swear I leant nothing. PE was fine, really ran some of my unhappy thoughts away.

Had Chinese, quite amused and surprised that some people have absolutely no sense of urgency. DO YOU KNOW THAT CHI O'S ARE IN A WEEKS' TIME LOL. Anyway can't be bothered, just wanna score as well as I can. So determined to study hard hehe ^^

Literature came next, was interesting learning about rythm n rhyme. Kinda cool but analysis kinda hard too. Meep, anyway literature naturally makes me happy la so. Yeah :D

Then came disaster after school when I find out that blablablablablah and ft so useless and blablablablablah so sad so I drowned myself in my books and it made me feel better. Idky but I study better when I'm sad LOL IM WEIRD. But yes, it was productive. When I finished lit I fooled around with some girlies.

Then I went home and continued to study. ;) Writing notes is a way to relief stress and unhappiness REALLY. Especially when I have my dose of worship songs playin'. So glad I found the joy in studying with God all over again, and my purpose of studying, for God, with God.

Goodnight love xxxx

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